Saturday 3 May 2008

Dr Phil scraps Britney Spears show

Dr Phil scraps Britney Spears show

Telecasting psychologist Dr Phil John Joseph McGraw has scrapped plans to air travel a show about troubled pop isaac M. Singer Britney Spears afterwards he was criticised for visiting her patch she was in hospital.
John McGraw visited Spears at Cedars-Sinai Medical checkup Centerfield in Los Angeles, after she was admitted for an rating pursuit a hands contravention at her home.
Several other counsellors later accused the healer of breaching the singer's privateness by visiting her at the infirmary.
However, John McGraw said yesterday, in an question with 'The Early Show', that he visited Spears "at the request of her house".
He claimed that the singer's female parent, sis and comrade "were very frustrated that she plain wasn't sledding to be held (in hospital) for a yearner full point of time."
McGraw said that he had planned to tape a render on yesterday, stressing that the show up would not get explored the rag incline of Spears' problems, but or else would have focused on other issues surrounding her fount.
"Clearly, it is not just now Britney's family struggling to find a elbow room to protect adult children wHO cannot be ordered or compelled to seek help," he said.
The television psychologist also said: "Because the Spears situation is likewise intense at this time, and out of consideration to the folk, I have made the decision non to go forward with the taping."
John Joseph McGraw said that details of his visit to Spears would remain private.
The isaac Bashevis Singer was released from infirmary at the weekend.